Collection: Detox & Restore
Every season we clean our house and rid ourselves of things that are not just taking up space but impeding our ability to enjoy life. Why should our bodies be any different?
DAYS 1 - 10
• Take up to 4 capsules of each Lifelong Vitality Pack supplement
• Take 1 TerraZyme with meals
• Take 2 Zendocine Softgels in morning
• Drink 2 drops of Lemon essential oil in water 3 times per day
DAYS 11 - 20
• Take up to 4 capsules of each Lifelong Vitality Pack supplement
• Take 1 TerraZyme with meals
• Drink 2 drops of Lemon essential oil in water 3 times per day
DAYS 21 - 30
• Take up to 4 capsules of each Lifelong Vitality Pack supplement
• Take 1 TerraZyme with meals
• Take 1 veggie capsules with 6 drops DDR Prime in morning
• Drink 2 drops of Lemon essential oil in water 3 times per day